Wanting to pay cash? directly email:
[email protected]
for registration. Please include class, participant name, birthdate, address, and contact phone number.
Membership Matters
Thank you to our new volunteers! Your neighbour’s in LAKERIDGE have volunteered so that your children have programs available in their community!
The more volunteers, the more positive change we can make! Please consider volunteering today!
Thank you,
Please remember to purchase your LCA memberships at checkout.
An annual membership fee of $15 is required to participate in programs. Lakeridge Community Association honours other community association memberships.
Your community association was established for the benefit of our Lakeridge residents, developing programs and services to enhance our community's interests and needs.
The Lakeridge Community Associaton (LRCA) is maintained by the dedicated individuals who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for themselves and others in the community. Share the feeling of community pride - take time, make time - get involved in your community.
Visit our Adult Programs for details
Visit our Youth Programs for details.
Thank you to our new volunteers! Your neighbour’s in LAKERIDGE have volunteered so that your children have programs available in their community!
The more volunteers, the more positive change we can make! Please consider volunteering today!
Thank you,
Please remember to purchase your LCA memberships at checkout.
An annual membership fee of $15 is required to participate in programs. Lakeridge Community Association honours other community association memberships.
Your community association was established for the benefit of our Lakeridge residents, developing programs and services to enhance our community's interests and needs.
The Lakeridge Community Associaton (LRCA) is maintained by the dedicated individuals who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for themselves and others in the community. Share the feeling of community pride - take time, make time - get involved in your community.
Visit our Adult Programs for details
Visit our Youth Programs for details.