About Lakeridge
Lakeridge is located within the Lakewood Suburban Development Area. It is bounded
by Taylor Street to the north, Weyakwin Drive to the west, Highway 16 to the south, and Boychuk Drive to the east. Crocus Park is located centrally in the neighbourhood. Lakeridge School and St. Luke School are located in the park area, along with a rink, spray park, tennis court, soccer pitches, ball diamonds and playground structures.
by Taylor Street to the north, Weyakwin Drive to the west, Highway 16 to the south, and Boychuk Drive to the east. Crocus Park is located centrally in the neighbourhood. Lakeridge School and St. Luke School are located in the park area, along with a rink, spray park, tennis court, soccer pitches, ball diamonds and playground structures.
Community Quick Facts
Population* 3,981 Homeownership* 97.3% Average Value of Dwelling $ 421,211 Average Household Income * $138,781 Average Household Size* 3.3 Municipal Ward 9 SDA Lakewood Public School: Lakeridge School (Saskatoon Public Schools site) Catholic School: St. Luke School (Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools site) * estimate Source: City of Saskatoon Neighbourhood Profiles 2014 - Lakeridge (pdf) The City of Saskatoon has profiles of other neighbourhoods around Saskatoon. Visit the City of Saskatoon website. Two preschools are available in the Lakeridge Community. Lakeridge Cop-operative Preschool http://www.lakeridgepreschool.ca/ Emmeline Preschool http://emmelinepreschool.webs.com/ |
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